New advances in head protection are always around the corner, and it takes dedication and investment to keep up. Our custom-developed composite manufacturing equipment has flexible tooling that can be quickly and accurately adjusted to meet a given order portfolio. All of the helmet shell presses at our Newport facility—the primary site for helmet and armor production and manufacturing—have been fully converted to allow for both polyethylene and aramid helmet manufacturing. This has involved adding new chilling capacity, a new Gerber material cutting machine, and new molds capable of providing both heating and chilling during the shell molding process.
We are one of the pioneers of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) advancements. New composite materials produce next generation helmets that are significantly lighter than current in-use combat helmets while providing increased ballistic and impact protection. Our armor and helmet systems engineers have evaluated and experimented with a vast array of materials and material combinations—including new materials, various aramids and weaves, and hybrid combinations of materials—to produce armor and helmets with superior performance and comfort.
Galvion has significant experience with all UHMWPE materials that provide excellent high velocity fragmentation protection, as well as superior 9mm RTP, compression, and impact resistance, with minimal to no change in ballistic performance at extreme temperatures. We have delivered on important U.S. military and international contracts for products that use advanced UHMWPE products, and we continue to invest in R&D, expand our materials focus and we work extensively with various UHMWPE suppliers’ engineering teams to establish and master the manufacturing nuances for each material put to use in our Batlskin helmets. Whether soldiers are wearing our helmet in the Arctic or at the equator, the performance and protection will be consistent.